EXAMS - T.S.C  B1 Students  of  the Turkish Studies Center in the university of Yaoundé II SOA  take their 1st assessment exam accounting for the 2022-2023 school year. Good luck!!!
EXAMS - T.S.C  B1 Students  of  the Turkish Studies Center in the university of Yaoundé II SOA  take their 1st assessment exam accounting for the 2022-2023 school year. Good luck!!!

EXAMS - T.S.C B1 Students of the Turkish Studies Center in the university of Yaoundé II SOA take their 1st assessment exam accounting for the 2022-2023 school year. Good luck!!!

May 16, 2023


B1 Students of the Turkish Studies Center in the university of Yaoundé II SOA take their 1st assessment exam accounting for the 2022-2023 school year.

The B1.1 Level was created this year to enable learners from A1 to peruse their training in the Turkish studies center.

Good luck!!!

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